"Umwelt Collider #05,” (2024) from a new series of hand-cut collages sourced from my photographic archive.

"Umwelt," (2024) a new publication comprising 66 photographs selected from the seven year span of 2018 to 2024.

"Ursula," from "Just As You Are" (2014–) an ongoing series of street portraits of urban trees.

"Strait Goods," (2011-2015) Salish Sea crossings by ferry.

"FAO-073118," (2018) from "Umwelt" a new publication comprising 66 photographs selected from the seven year span of 2018 to 2024.

"Umwelt Collider #04,” (2024) from a new series of hand-cut collages sourced from my photographic archive.

"Maya," from "Just As You Are" (2014–) an ongoing series of street portraits of urban trees.

"YVR-060717," from "Surrounded 01: Other Geometries"